Religion vs Spirituality

Raghu vamshi
2 min readApr 12, 2021


There is a saying that goes like this, Religion is for people who don’t want to go hell & Spirituality is for people who have been there.

But, its ashes in the past and ashes in the last. What belonged to someone might belong to you today. Tomorrow it belongs to someone else. So don’t worry about it, we don’t carry back anything when we leave this planet.

It certainly is a controversial topic and favors the facts & not the Fictional elements.

Here are the 10 facts you can relate to,

  1. Religion has rules. Spirituality has no rules
  2. Religion is an Illusion (created). Spirituality is a clear reality & actuality.
  3. Religion goes outwards & Spirituality is going inwards.
  4. Spiritual practice is timeless & Religion is limited.
  5. Religious practices are organised & spiritual practice is formless.
  6. When we pray we speak to god. When we spiritually meditate God speaks to us.

When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. — The Bhagavad Gita

7. Quite often religion is the belief in someone else’s experience. With spirituality, it’s having your own experience.

8. We can observe the practice of morals in religious practices. But we find and practice purpose in spiritual practices.

9. Religion is based on fear, Spirituality is based on freedom.

10. Last but not least, Spirituality does not come from religion. it comes from our souls. — Anthony Douglas.

Quite, often we observe few facts that intersect with each other as well. To be specific Buddhism & Hinduism are a way of life. It is with missionaries and cult leaders the idea is quite often brainwashed and devoured from the actual truth. To achieve freedom is to be self-aware. But, with religion, it is too driven by fear & control.



Raghu vamshi

Stories on Design, art, spaces, products, mindfulness & ecosystems.