It’s more about the problem

Raghu vamshi
2 min readMay 16, 2021

If I had an hour to solve the problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem 5 mins thinking about the solution — Albert Einstein

Defining the problem isn’t enough. it’s about asking the right questions.

Imagine you need to hang your painting. You need to make a hole, for that you need a hammer/ driller. Without that, hanging the painting is the problem. But actually, the problem here is not about the tool/ the painting but it’s the hole to hang the painting. So for you to hang the painting, you need to drill a hole and that needs some tools to fix it.

What we did here was, ask a simple question of why? So defining the problem took a bit more time but more than half your work is done there to fix it with the solution.

Once we know what the lock is, it is easier to make a key. Many times designers talk about, more the constraints better the solutions might be. It’s in the rigor of the problem we are trying to find.

Illustration of finding the lock first

APPLE set out to release iPhone in 2007. it was a smart touch mobile creating a radical innovation in the smartphone industry. They put the user on a pedestal who use keyboard devices which took up half the phone space who had many issues and whatnot. They solved that with a full screen, better-stuffed tech, and the internet in their hands.

Studying the journey of a set of the user allows us to dive deep into asking the 4 ‘W’s 1 ‘H’ Who? What? Why? When? & How?

To find out about various problem identification scenarios, look into the user. Demand needs to be created. That where the problem is and the possible solutions are, as well. Famously known as a demand-supply ratio. Follow the research methods like qualitative, quantitative, survey analysis, User-centered research, Market segmentation, Competitor analysis, Sociology, Cross-sectional studies, and much more.

Hope you liked it and was helpful

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Raghu vamshi

Stories on Design, art, spaces, products, mindfulness & ecosystems.